Sunday, March 1, 2009

The importance of skepticism

In Flagler's Few, the lead character William Garrings is an avid skeptic...even when confronted with the unexplained.

It's important to the validity of paranormal research to remain skeptic, or to at least have a fair share of skeptics involved. It would be easy for anyone to "claim" something was paranormal or supernatural, but without the scientific basis to back it up, or without an outside opinion or view, it would be easy to have a number of non-paranormal events be thrown into the mix and upset the uniqueness of the REAL paranormal.

In the book, while Will is the hero and main protagonist, his skeptic side is set to make the fictional aspects more spectacular and to play towards the skeptic in all of us...because even the most avid of believers...can't help but be a little unsure deep down.

But, can Will become a believer in time to save the day? Or will skepticism go too far and leave Claire in danger? You'll have to read the book to find out. ;-)

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