Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Podcast Schedules!

I am very pleased to report that I have been invited to promote "Flagler's Few" on two very prestigious paranormal podcasts.

On Octoboer 31st, Anything Ghost will feature a short story based off events in Chapter 5. The story will be narrated by myself and feature actors in the rolls of Roger Blimes and William Garring. Stephen Withers of Swithdrawn Productions will assist in editting and sound design.

Sometime in November, Jim Harold of Paranormal Podcast will be interviewing me on the book as well as my experience on being a ghost hunter. I look forward to this interview because it will be my first official interview dealing with the book and I am a fan of Jim Harold's podcasts.

This should be a pretty eventful couple of months for "Flagler's Few" and myself of course. Please keep up to date on the blog and stay tune to both podcasts to show your support for the book!

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